With our Pastor having been called to a new Church we are currently in the settlement programme and seeking a new Minister. Until they are appointed should you wish to contact the Church please do so through one of our Church Leaders, Jerry Newson (Rev) on 01233 720511 or revjerrynewson@gmail.com

Sunday service

At Brabourne Baptist Church we primarily gather to worship on Sunday morning at 10:30 am. The preaching and teaching of God’s word are central, music is provided by our worship team and communion is served every month. Following the service tea, coffee and biscuits are served in our side hall.


We currently meet on Zoom for prayer on Monday mornings between 9am and 9.30am and on Wednesdays evenings between 7pm and 8pm. The Zoom link is…


Meeting ID: 730 435 387

Password: 080196


Oasis is our new Community Café held at the Church every Wednesday between 10am and 12md. If the weather is clement we have outside seating for those who prefer. You are guaranteed a very warm welcome and a place to enjoy fresh brewed coffee, tea and refreshments. We make no charge but leave it to you as to whether you are able to make a small donation or not. Please come and give us a try!

Home Groups

We have several home groups that meet during the week. For more information contact Jerry.

Church Hall Bookings

If you would like to book the church hall for a meeting or function, please phone Geoff Thorpe on 01303 813152. Covid guidance would have to be adhered to.


You are browsing Agendas and Minutes for the year 2025

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Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendasMinutesSupporting Documents
14th May, 2025May 2025 Smeeth Parish Council MeetingNA
12th Mar, 2025March 2025 Smeeth Parish Council MeetingNA
8th Jan, 2025January 2025 Smeeth Parish Council Meeting Download DownloadView All