Planning Applications 2018
18/00057/AS Little Home Farm, Bower Road, Smeeth Single storey extension to side of ancillary annex
18/00113/AS Glenoaks, Pound Lane, Smeeth Single storey side extension to kitchen/diner
18/00169/AS Mead House, Church Road, Smeeth Reserved matters application for details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of one residential dwelling with office/workshop unit integrated with dwelling pursuant to outline planning permission granted under 17/01682/AS
18/00248/AS Nuholm, Plain Road, Smeeth Two storey side and rear extension with increase in roof height
18/00336/AS & 18/00337/AS Mersham Le Hatch Business Village, Hythe Road, Smeeth Change of use of existing garage block into two additional commercial units (A1 retail & B1 business) including the provision of new shop fronts
18/00431/AS Builders Yard, Plain Road, Smeeth Proposed development for 7 new dwellings.
18/00475/AS Briar Cottage, The Ridgeway, Smeeth To demolish the existing timber shed and build a new timber garage
18/00626/AS Nuholm, Plain Road, Smeeth Two storey side and rear extension with increase in roof height, widening of access, landscaping and fence to front (revision to application 18/00248/AS)
18/00629/AS Longueville, Pound Lane, Smeeth Extension to roof line to change hip end roof to form gable end with barn hip to match existing. Addition of front dormer and rear rooflight
18/00693/AS Studley, Plain Road, Smeeth Demolition of existing garage, erection of a single storey rear extension with roof lights and replacement double garage
18/00746/AS The Wood Turners, Church Road, Smeeth Extension to the Wood Turners employment site (B1 Office) with associated car parking and landscaping
18/00789/AS Andrews Garage, Plain Road, Smeeth Replacement of light industrial units and construction of 10 new houses
18/00807/AS The Stables, Granary Court Road, Smeeth New detached dwelling house
18/00867/AS Evegate Business Park, Station Road, Smeeth
Extension of existing business park consisting of two new buildings for B1/D2 use with associated car parking and landscaping
18/00874/AS Maid Morton Farm Shop, Hythe Road, Smeeth
Erection of two one-storey classrooms and administration building
18/00921/AS Dalveen, Plain Road, Smeeth Demolition of existing side extensions, replacement of roof to form loft conversion with dormer windows, replacement chimney, rear extension and glazed entrance porch
18/00937/AS Fortescue House, Plain Road, Smeeth 2 x two storey rear infill extensions
18/00875/AS Barn at Maid Morton, Hythe Road, Smeeth Prior approval for change of use of one agricultural building and land within its curtilage to one dwelling house and associated operational development
18/01010/AS 5 Warren Heights, Plain Road, Smeeth Demolition of existing UPVC lean-to extension and construction of a replacement flat roof single storey side extension
18/01144/AS The Byre, Station Road, Smeeth Erection of cattery building
18/01328/AS Cherry Trees, Lilyvale, Smeeth Erection of extension to garage to form annex for disabled relative as ancillary accommodation to main house
18/01228/AS Kimberley Farm, Granary Court Road, Smeeth Proposed erection of menage
18/01454/AS Andrews Garage, Plain Road, Smeeth Demolition of Andrews Garage and the construction of 5 houses and the demolition of redundant buildings and replacement with light industrial units B1 use
18/01373/AS Granary Court Buildings, Granary Court Road, Smeeth Lawful development certificate – existing – use of buildings for storage and office; use of caravan as independent dwelling
18/01635/AS 7 Caroland Close, Smeeth Proposed single storey rear and two storey side extension
18/01801/AS Land between Peelers and Oakleigh, Church Road, Smeeth Outline application for residential development for the erection of up to 35 units, to include access, with all other matters reserved