Planning Applications 2017
17/00020/AS & 17/00021/AS Smeeth Hill House, Hythe Road, Smeeth Enclosure of undercroft with new doors and window, re-landscaping of inner courtyard and demolition of section of courtyard wall
17/00569/AS Brabourne and Smeeth playing field, Church Road, Smeeth Erection of a basketball hoop with concrete base and safety netting
17/00711/AS 4 Knatchbull Row, Plain Road, Smeeth Erection of a first floor rear extension with 2No. first floor side windows and a single storey rear conservatory
17/00439/AS Land south east of 16 to 34, Calland, Smeeth
Erection of hoardings and 5 no. non-illuminated associated signage (retrospective)
17/00956/AS Builders Yard, Plain Road, Smeeth Outline application for the erection of 7 dwellings
17/01186/AS Cherry Hill, Plain Road, Smeeth Removal of roof, construction of a first floor to provide additional accommodation and reconstruction of roof
17/01211/AS Walnut Tree Farm, Church Road, Smeeth Prior approval for change of use from agricultural barn and land within its curtilage to one dwelling house and associated operational development
17/01442/AS Danebury, Plain Road, Smeeth Proposed single storey rear extension and loft conversion with rear roof terrace
17/01524/AS Indalo, Plain Road, Smeeth Retrospective application for the demolition of existing cabin and erection of ancillary recreational lodge. (CO/17/00195)
17/01526/AS 5 Ramstone Close, Smeeth Erection of a new double garage with a dormered room to first floor
17/01506/AS Granary Court Buildings, Granary Court Road, Smeeth Demolition of existing buildings; change of use of mixed use site to erect 4 no. 3 bedroom dwellings and 3 no. 2 bedroom dwellings with associated parking barn
17/01682/AS Mead House, Church Road, Smeeth Outline application for a residential dwelling with office/workshop unit integrated with dwelling with all matters reserved other than access
17/01707/AS Barn at Maid Morton, Hythe Road, Smeeth Prior approval for the change of use and conversion of agricultural barn to dwelling (Use Class C3)
17/01841/AS Park Farm, Pound Lane, Brabourne Erection of 1.2m gates and new field access for farm vehicles
17/01850/AS Tanners and Son, Granary Court Road, Smeeth Proposed metal recycling unit.
17/01923/AS Mersham Le Hatch Cricket Club, Hythe Road, Smeeth Proposed replacement cricket pavilion at Mersham Le Hatch Cricket Club