Planning applications 2016

16/00010/AS  Crail, Plain Road, Smeeth   Erection of a new 2 bedroom dwelling

16/00224/AS  Briar Cottage, The Ridgeway, Smeeth   Erection of a replacement dwelling

16/00128/AS  Towers Cottage, Granary Court Road, Smeeth  Erection of single storey side extensions and detached garage with room above and new driveway

16/00376/AS  Delstead, Bower Road, Smeeth   Single storey extension rear extension and roof extension to facilitate first floor accommodation

16/00566/AS  Brabourne and Smeeth Playing Field, Church Road, Smeeth     Siting of 2no. shipping containers on the playing field car park for the purpose of storing sports and maintenance equipment 

16/00819/AS   Mead House, Church Road, Smeeth   Change of use of  land for the keeping of horses and erection of stables

16/00638/AS and 16/00639/AS  Meadows, Church Road, Smeeth    Proposed conversion of existing basement to habitable accommodation. Replacement of existing basement to ground floor staircase including new frameless glass guarding at ground floor level. Restoration of existing basement fanlight windows to original size. Insertion of two new basement frameless glass apertures to front facade. Demolition of existing flat roof single storey garage.

16/00679/AS  Evegate Business Park, Station Road, Smeeth     Variation of condition 7 on planning permission 11/01194/AS to allow A4 use on unit 1G, D1 use to workshop 7, addition of D1 use on ground floor of building 4, addition of A1 & D1 on ground floor on building 5 

16/01028/AS  Blue and White Cafe, Hythe Road, Smeeth  Proposed part single and two storey rear extension with internal alterations.

16/01035/AS  Granary Court, Granary Court Road, Smeeth  Part single storey side/rear extension, part first floor extension 

16/01151/AS  and  16/01152/AS    Mead House, Church Road, Smeeth   Change of use and conversion of the stable located to the rear of the site into a holiday let. 

16/01105/AS   Granary Court, Granary Court, Smeeth  Outline application for the conversion of outbuilding to form two storey dwelling and division of existing residential plot. 

16/01230/AS  Crail, Plain Road, Smeeth   Proposed two storey side extension and rear conservatory

16/01235/AS  Land south of 16 to 34, Calland, Smeeth   Erection of four semi-detached houses on land adjacent to 34 Calland, Smeeth 

16/01456/AS   Mead House, Church Road, Smeeth   Relocation of existing timber outbuilding and the construction of a brick/timber garage with workshop in roof 

16/01589/AS  Glenoaks, Pound Lane, Smeeth  Erection of shed and greenhouse (retrospective)

16/01657/AS  1 Ramstone Close, Smeeth   Erection of a conservatory to side elevation