Message from Chris Denyer, Vicar of Smeeth

Following the sad news today of the death of our Queen, I just wanted to let Parish Councils and Parish Meetings know that churches in Brabourne, Mersham, Monks Horton, Sellindge, Smeeth and Stowting are open each day with a book of condolence and place for any floral tributes to be placed, and of course a place of prayer and reflection. This may be a point to which the Parish Council/Meeting might wish to direct the community to pay their respects, as well as to seek a space to reflect in this period of mourning.

If we can offer any further support or guidance, please do get in touch.

There will be a time of prayer at 5pm in Smeeth church on Friday and live on our Facebook page, as well as a special service on 18th September in addition to marking in prayer in our planned Sunday service. Bells will be rung on Friday at noon at Brabourne and to announce the new monarch at 4pm on Saturday.

with thoughts and prayers for our community at this difficult time


Reverend Chris Denyer
Vicar of The Stour Downs

Joint Area Dean for the Ashford Deanery

01303 470791

parish mobile: 07526688826


The Rectory

Church Road


TN25 6SA


Please note my usual day off is Saturday