March newspaper collection – CANCELLED
Today the Scouts and Guides Management Committee has had to make the decision to cancel this month’s paper collection. We are sorry that the news has come out this late when this Saturday’s collection is almost upon us. We have been trying to find an any alternative to ensure our valuable community service can continue, sadly the current situation has stopped these efforts.
The problem at the moment is that no-one wants to take newspaper and cardboard into their recycling facilities. We are hopeful that this will change or that we will find another way to pass on our collections. We are grateful for your donations to the collections we have been making for the past 22 years and we hope that this is a temporary one or two month problem.
Whatever happens we will ensure that we keep you informed via Facebook, our webpages, the Parish News or ironically the Kentish Express. Please pass this information on to anyone who may not be on Facebook that you know would want to have this information.
Thank you
Ian Plowright